A new dark horse project $VISTA.

Pump fun has a new competitor on Ethereum. Supporters of Ethereum are facing difficulties. Vitalik tweeted that DeFi is no longer important, the prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin have hit new lows, ETF capital inflows have slowed, and the split of Layer 2 is like a broken mirror.

Ethervista appears set to launch a new project started by native cryptocurrency users, using a fair launch model (100% of supply allocated to liquidity providers).

Due to its unique launch approach and the timing of the current market narrative, this project has the potential to become a strong contender as there isn’t much exciting happening on Ethereum right now.


They hope to become a pump fun on Ethereum, allowing users to customize certain parameters when new tokens are released, while preventing liquidity from being quickly drained through binding curves and revenue sharing mechanisms.

They accomplish this by setting a 5-day lock-up period on the initial liquidity provision for new projects. According to research, most liquidity drain events occur between 2 and 4 days.

The 5-day lockup period begins when a project first adds liquidity on Ethervista, ensuring that token creators cannot withdraw liquidity before other providers.

  • Benefits to users and liquidity providers: This system increases user confidence as it ensures the stability of the project in the critical early stages. Liquidity providers (LPs) also benefit from long-term fee income.

  • Customized Ether fees: Unlike most AMMs that charge standard fees per token, Ethervista charges Ether fees for each exchange and distributes these fees to liquidity providers and token creators, encouraging them to participate in the platform for the long term.

  • Encourages long-term development: This model prevents rapid withdrawals (often associated with rug-pulls) by introducing a delayed liquidity removal mechanism, ensuring that developers and investors benefit more from ongoing activity and trading volume, not just It is a short-term fluctuation in price.

  • Smart contracts and customization: The platform allows creators to configure smart contracts to manage fees. These contracts can be used for a variety of DeFi applications, such as staking or automated purchases, providing flexibility in project management and ensuring continued growth.

  • Advanced features: Ethervista plans to expand its services and launch an ETH-BTC-USDC trading pool, lending, futures, and fee-free flash loans, with the goal of becoming a comprehensive DeFi platform.

  • Native Token ($VISTA): Ethervista’s native Token, $VISTA, is a deflationary token with a total supply limited to 1 million. It is designed to increase the price floor by continuously burning tokens through the protocol to reduce supply, thereby increasing its value over time.


The initial unlocking of LPs is expected to occur on September 4 at approximately 2:30 PM UTC, which may trigger a short-term sell-off.

However, the team has not announced specific details about the $VISTA token burning mechanism. They state that this is a deflationary model, and as the revenue generated in the form of $ETH increases, the price will rise (which prevents a vicious cycle of prices), but the specific details are still not revealed.

My guess is that they may wait until closer to the LPs unlock date to reduce selling pressure, which I think is a smart strategy.

The project had a somewhat tumultuous launch due to a sell-off due to front-end issues, but this is common with new project releases and not a red flag to me.

My opinion

I invested when the market value of the project was about US$2.5 million, and now the market value has risen to between US$7-10 million, (note: the current market value is around US$30 million), so I still have a lot of room for growth. I still believe this project has a chance to achieve a major breakthrough.

I used some tools and looked for smart investors and wallets on social platforms, but found that not many people followed. However, it has attracted some of the key players I followed when investing early on.

Since it needs to be purchased on a decentralized exchange (DEX) and there is a certain technical threshold, this means that as the price increases, the technology is constantly being optimized.

The team draws a lot of inspiration, both visually and technically, from CurveFinance, a proven and successful model. I look forward to seeing their new plans for lending and futures products.

One psychological factor in the success of new token issuances on Vista is that everyone's trading benchmark is generally larger on Ethereum compared to Solana.

I accidentally bought about 3-4x the amount I would have bought on the new Solana project, mostly due to the higher valuation of Ethereum compared to Solana.

I guess other people are in a similar situation and tend to round up to 0.5 or 1 Ethereum when trading. Most of the really big traders are active on Ethereum and they are reluctant to move to Solana because they are not familiar with the environment there, so There's a lot of smart money potentially coming in massively.

Another reason I'm bullish on this project is that I think the market is starting to bottom out here, and projects that perform strongly early in the market usually maintain momentum in subsequent cycles.

Although this is a higher risk investment and I would like to have more information to make decisions, too much information may mean that the return rate will be significantly reduced 🙂

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reproduced with permission from: "Deep Wave TechFlow"

  • Original author: Trissy