[Ethereum Foundation AMA: Valuable transactions will continue on Ethereum] On September 5, Dankrad Feist, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, responded to the question "Where is the value of ETH today? Has the rollup ecosystem made ETH lose its value?" during the 12th AMA of the Ethereum Foundation: Ethereum is building a financial platform that will be the most neutral platform to date. It allows the issuance of financial assets, allows the trading of these assets, and is able to create new financial products based on them without permission, which are all very valuable activities. It is possible to capture value from it, but it is not clear by what mechanism. I still think it will be some kind of charging mechanism-in the rollup roadmap, I still believe that Ethereum L1 will be a crossroads between all these subdomains, and many very valuable activities will continue to be carried out on it, which will generate valuable fees. I personally think that it would be best if we focused on building an ecosystem that generates value on Ethereum, and I think value capture will eventually happen naturally. This does not mean that I don't think about it, but it is a big mistake to focus on it when the value generation part is still insufficient. I would consider that a success if we had a diverse rollup ecosystem that provided interesting applications to the world, but it would be an even greater success if that ecosystem also made the ETH asset more valuable. I know many believe that a rollup-centric roadmap will take away fee income and MEV from Ethereum, and that rollups could end up being parasites on Ethereum. I don’t think that’s true. The highest value transactions will continue to happen on Ethereum L1, and rollups will grow the pie by providing users with plenty of room to transact on Ethereum. The relationship will be symbiotic.