The current spot layout is the best layout method to buy at the bottom

It must be a small-cap currency, and the small-cap currency pulls up very quickly

There are also the effects of listing on Binance spot, the effect of listing on Binance contracts, and the effect of going up

Let's see which spot currencies have taken off recently?

One is the cottage that follows the big cake. After the big cake leads the decline, the cottage that follows rebounds by at least 20%

The second is the small-cap currency, which has Binance spot but no Binance contract. The effect of the contract is to pull up 30%, such as today's $BSW , which directly pulled a big positive line when it was listed on the contract

The third is the effect of going up. You should all know this. Lao Han's market is really awesome. It exploded when it went up, and it exploded directly by 40%. For example, today's BIGTIME, it directly pulled a big positive line when it went up

This is the conclusion that Dabai has drawn from observing the market recently. I wonder how many old friends agree with it?

Dabai is also constantly observing the market, the contract password is always output, and the direction is always, winning streak.

Dabai has output very little in spot recently because it is difficult to layout, and the focus is on the contract, but Dabai is also observing the spot at all times

Dabai has gradually figured out the rules. I have also thought about what spot to layout

This time I will layout an opportunity

Those who have been following Dabai for a long time should know Dabai's winning rate. 1v1 together to layout double spot, in the short term, you can get more than 30%

Set a threshold, spot layout requires large funds to get meat, and those with less funds cannot hold it, and it takes a long period. 3w, 5w, 10wu and above, follow Dabai to layout double spot

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