Trading products: FET/TIA

Trading level: 30f

Trading trend: 30F trend

Figure 1 Figure 2: Figure 1 is the operation view of FET's 30-minute trend in the late trading on the 2nd. The central oscillation rhythm is fully interpreted, and the trend in Figure 2 is realized~

Figure 3 Figure 4: Figure 3 is the operation view of TIA's 30-minute trend chart in the late trading on the 2nd. The rebound and callback trends are complete in structure, and the trend in Figure 4 is realized~

Operation suggestions: Find risks in the rise and find opportunities in the fall. At present, FET continues to respond according to the central oscillation. The next best buying point is the divergence buying point opportunity formed after the callback breaks 1.044. At present, ethfi is in a 30-minute line segment callback. Pay attention to the establishment of the second buy~

#fet #tia $FET