Trading products: AI/BOME

Trading level: 30f

Trading trend: 30F trend

Figure 1 Figure 2: Figure 1 is the operation view of AI 30-minute trend in the late trading analysis on the 2nd. The callback rhythm and target position are realized, and Figure 2 is realized~

Figure 3 Figure 4: Figure 3 is the operation view of BOME 30-minute trend chart in the late trading analysis on the 2nd. The rebound and callback trend are complete in structure, and Figure 4 is realized~

Operation suggestions: Find risks in the rise and look for opportunities in the fall. The current goal of AI and BOME is a four-hour upward trend. The current trend is 30F one buy upward, and there will be two buys later. Pay attention to the rhythm~

#AI #bome. $BOME