Is trading prediction important?

It is very important. You don’t predict how you will make an order, and you don’t open a position randomly by flipping a coin. You must be optimistic about a direction before you can make an order, but more important than prediction is [admitting mistakes].

Because most of the time our predictions are wrong, and the average winning rate is 20%-30% in the end, but this 30% winning rate does not mean that you will be right 3 times out of 10. More often, you will be wrong 20 times in a row and occasionally get it right a few more times. Therefore, from the performance point of view, the orders you make are wrong in nine out of ten cases, so you need to remind yourself every time you enter the market that this time is likely to be the wrong order again. You need to know how to deal with it when you are wrong?

How to face it when you are wrong?

You need to know how to accept failure first, then you can have success.