Uniswap cooperated with moonpay to launch a channel for purchasing digital assets with legal currency. After actual testing, it currently only supports four public chains: #eth , #op , #matic and arbitrum. Taking usdc as an example, only the exchange rates on different chains are different. 100usdc on eth It costs 733rmb, op and arbitrum cost 727rmb, the most cost-effective is the matic chain, 100usdc costs 726rmb. Currently, only credit cards are supported, and debit cards are not supported. Chinese people can buy but not sell.
However, no matter what exchange rate it is, compared to the OTC price on Binance, it is really not cost-effective. It is equivalent to about 8% of the middle fee. The middle fee is too high. This is why CEX has been in the market for a long time. The value of existence is the bridge between legal currency and crypto assets.