Elixir V3 test network validator node construction and basic staking tutorial with a valuation of $800 million

@elixir is a modular DPoS network with a current valuation of $800 million. The node building tutorial and basic staking guide are as follows:

Wallet and test water preparation
https://cloud.google.com/application/web3/faucet/ethereum/sepolia… Get water. This water is the Ethereum test water. It has not been used for a long time.


Official deployment

Get Mock test coins https://testnet-3.elixir.xyz
Click to receive coins, you can get 1000 $Mock for subsequent use


Deploy and run the validator

Required information:
Local IP address, node name (custom), wallet address, wallet private key

Run the script
wget -O http://start.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jiangyaqiii/elixir/main/start.sh… && chmod +x http://start.sh && ./start.sh 2>&1 | tee tmp.txt

If you don’t want to deploy, just stake on it. Testnet staking


You can see the detailed tutorial, there are more illustrations
