Regarding CRYPTO, you often think as follows:

1. Rising Demand: The price increase of #usdt could indicate a strong increase in demand from traders looking to convert their assets into stablecoins to preserve value during times of uncertainty.

2. Market Concerns: If there are concerns about the overall crypto market, investors can look for stable assets like USDT to avoid downside risks.

3.Remaking Money: USDT's price increase could also be due to large investors converting their assets into stablecoins in preparation for future buying opportunities.

In terms of the GENERAL CURRENCY market:

1. Interest Rate Policy: If #FED increases interest rates. Higher interest rates could increase the value of the USD relative to other currencies.

2. US Economic Situation: If the US economy is strong and has a positive outlook, this can increase the value of the USD. Economic indicators such as GDP, employment, and others can all affect the value of the USD.

3. Global Situations: Trade wars, political upheavals, or emergencies can create fluctuations in the foreign exchange market and affect the value of currencies.

4. Oil and Metals Market: Linked to oil and gold markets. If oil and gold prices increase, it can create downward pressure on the value of the USD and vice versa.

5. Political and Social Situations: Political and social fluctuations can also impact the value of the USD.

6. Capital flow: A big topic

Obviously #crypto IS TOO SMALL to affect the price of copper #usdt $USDC $BTC $ETH