I see many people are confused about the range I gave, so I will answer it here.

I usually like to operate in a certain range, for example, today's $ETH 2496-2480, you can open a long eth stop loss 2460 and see 2575-2590 above.

If the range is small, just place two positions. You can place a head position at 2496 and a tail position at 2480. The tail position is equal to or greater than the head position. You can lower the cost while still holding a heavy position. If the interval is very large, buy in 3 times

It is best to open a contract according to a ratio. For example, if you have 500u and each order is opened with 20 times leverage, then the first position is 100u, the middle position is 150u, and the tail position is 250u. This can minimize the risk. Even if the stop loss is reached, the loss is about 30% of the position, which is 150u. If you make money, as long as the market rebounds slightly, your average price advantage of the position will be revealed, and there will be at least 50% profit, which is 250u. The risk and profit are completely proportional

When opening a contract, you must open it according to the position plan, and don't open a different position every time

What if there are two positions to cover? The first position can be 100u 150u 200u, and the last position can be 400u 350u 300u. This can also reduce the average position price. Many people will not teach you position allocation, so you must learn position allocation. This is one of the rules for winning in the contract market. Don't use my target spot orders to play contracts. Just like yesterday's market, the contract position can't withstand this fluctuation. If you use my target spot to play contracts, you may make money by luck for the first time. Do you think there will be a third time if you make money once and twice? Most spot orders lose money when playing contracts, including myself. In addition, there are stop-profit and stop-loss. There are also multiple orders. If the position is full and there is no money to cover the position according to the opening method I gave you, you can only watch your order being forced to close. What kind of feeling is it? This is a contract market, a market full of opportunities, opportunities and traps. In most cases, we can make up for it with our own operations, but if you don’t know how to operate according to the position allocation method I told you, at least you can control most of the risks.

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