Many people have a dream, that is, to make a fortune and then live a happy life.

In fact, this society does not allow people to lie down.

No matter what, the main theme of this world is inflation, which means that the money in the hands of ordinary people has been depreciating. Whether you deposit it in a bank or a fund, it is actually depreciating.

Many people say that this is a naked plunder of people's wealth. In fact, the operating rules of this society are based on inflation.

If there is no inflation, the money you earn will always have the same purchasing power, so once you earn a certain amount of money, you can choose not to work.

If the entire society forms such a trend, how can the economy develop? How do humans progress?

Therefore, we can only force you to participate in the social division of labor and create wealth for society by continuously devaluing the money in your hands.

You can only maintain your life of poverty if you keep making money. If you lie down and don't work, then you won't be able to survive.

It is really difficult for ordinary people nowadays. They lose money when buying a house, lose money when investing, they lose money no matter what, and they also have to face the constant depreciation of the currency.

The most important thing is that jobs are hard to find.

Investing in cryptocurrency has become a new choice for many people. Whether this choice is wrong or not, no one can tell clearly.