PANews reported on August 27 that according to The Block, according to a statement issued by the Paris Judicial Court, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested as part of a large-scale cybercrime investigation, and the charges he faces include providing unauthorized "cryptography" services and tools. The statement said: "Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the instant messaging platform Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget Airport in the suburbs of Paris on Saturday, August 24, 2024, and was detained by the police at 8 pm. This move was implemented in the context of a judicial investigation that began on July 8, 2024, after a preliminary investigation was launched by the Anti-Cybercrime Department of the Paris Prosecutor's Office. The crime of the judicial investigation is the provision of cryptography services and tools." Several other charges are listed in the document, including conspiracy to "possess pornographic images of minors" and "laundering illegal proceeds for criminal organizations." As part of the cybercrime investigation, Durov is being questioned and he may be detained until August 28. According to previous news, many important figures in the crypto industry have expressed their support for Durov, including Musk, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, TRON founder Justin Sun and Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko.