[How do you view the arrest of the founder of TON? ]

First of all, Telegram is a gathering place for global freedom of speech, and more than 90% of cryptocurrency cooperation relies on its platform.

Even if the founder of TON is arrested, Telegram is still operating normally, and there is another founder who is still leading, and the platform has sufficient funds and resources to cope with challenges.

Secondly, France’s reasons for sanctions against the founder of TON are not sufficient. The founder of TON has the nationality of four countries, and France must consider the positions of other countries when imposing sanctions. Russia has expressed strong dissatisfaction, criticized the double standards of Western countries, and emphasized the importance of freedom of speech.

The general direction of the future narrative of the cryptocurrency industry is that everyone can have assets that truly belong to them, have an independent personality, true freedom of speech, and fight against the censorship of powerful governments.

[Investment advice]

The halving of TON TVL is everyone’s concern about the TON chain, but what Dog Zhuang sees is that retail investors pay high attention, and any move of TON in the market can cause huge traffic, which is suitable for trading.

There is no rush to buy TON at the bottom at present, you can wait and see.

The TON ecosystem's Meme may open up the market as a result. You can pay attention to the concepts related to the founder's arrest.
