Odaily Planet Daily News: Due to the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the price of TON, which is linked to Telegram, once fell by 25%. However, market analysis of some technical and market factors indicates that TON may rebound sharply in the coming weeks. A similar situation occurred on BNB. On April 30, CZ was sentenced in the United States and BNB fell by 13.5%. However, when the verdict was settled, BNB rose nearly 35% from the low point and hit a high of nearly $700 on June 6. When news of legal disputes broke out, the market panicked and sold more, because traders would rush to protect their investments from potential impacts. However, once the initial shock subsided, the market would reassess the situation more rationally, and the same psychological pattern may also appear on Toncoin. The arrest of Pavel Durov may be seen as a major danger signal, causing traders to exit their positions, resulting in a sharp drop in prices. But if the market later believes that the arrest is an isolated incident that will not fundamentally undermine the Toncoin ecosystem, traders may begin to see this decline as an opportunity for panic buying. (Cointelegraph)