●Telegram's #TON ecosystem

●Twitter's #DOGE ecosystem

●Facebook's #LIBRA ecosystem

Essentially, they all want to use global social networks

to pry open the corners of the US dollar SWIFT payment system

Zucker was questioned by Congress and then protected himself

Durant was stubborn and was arrested at the airport

And what about Pony Ma?

Recently, he has no intention of calling #DOGE

but is committed to deeply intervening in American politics

After all,

All decentralized encryption technology means

are powerless in the face of real iron fist physical arrest

Without a background to control the state violence machine, no matter how rich you are, you are just fat meat on the chopping block

CZ is a precedent

From this point of view, Star Xu, who graduated from Renmin University, is still a step ahead

He has already seen through everything in advance...