The money-making market is about to start! ! !

Attention! ! Attention! ! !

When the market is good, you must dare to make a layout! If you don't make a layout, you will never know where the market will go! Just control your position! Don't go all in, use leverage!

Yesterday, I also led my friends to make a layout

ETHFI cost 1.51, increase 12%, reduce holdings

JTO cost 2.485, increase 10%, reduce holdings

IO cost 2.01, increase 26%, reduce holdings

Except for IO, which has obvious capital inflows, the others are driven by the market, so reduce holdings first and take the money for safety. IO has reached a certain high point in the short term, so you can reduce some of it first and make up for it later!

As the leading AI currency in the SOL ecosystem, IO's current market value is far more than this. In the past few days, it has reached a strategic investment with Coinbase, which means that the project party will start to hype the currency price, and Nvidia's financial report will be announced next week, which is good for the AI ​​series! #ETHFI #jto #io项目