We are excited to announce the launch of DOGS, a Ton memecoin designed to harness the power of Telegram's massive user base and native meme culture. DOGS is set to debut on Binance Launchpool, starting August 23, 2024. This new token aims to introduce millions of users to the world of blockchain through an engaging ecosystem featuring tokenized stickers and a beloved dog mascot, initially drawn by Telegram's founder.

Key Metrics of DOGS:

- Token Name: DOGS

- Token Type: TON Jetton

- Total Supply: 550,000,000,000 DOGS

- Circulating Supply Upon Listing: 516,750,000,000 DOGS (93.95% of total supply)

Token Distribution Breakdown:

- Binance Launchpool Allocation: 22,000,000,000 DOGS (4% of total supply)

- Community Airdrop: 400,000,000,000 DOGS (72.73% of total supply)

- Liquidity: 30,000,000,000 DOGS (5.45% of total supply)

- Marketing: 50,000,000,000 DOGS (9.18% of total supply)

- Advisory: 18,000,000,000 DOGS (3.27% of total supply)

- Team: 29,500,000,000 DOGS (5.36% of total supply)

Binance Launchpool Details:

- Start Date: August 23, 2024

Upon listing, DOGS will have a substantial circulating supply of 516,750,000,000 tokens, although not all will enter trading immediately due to potential delays in the secondary market. The allocation structure emphasizes community involvement with a significant portion of the tokens dedicated to airdrops and rewards.

DOGS is set to create a vibrant and engaging community, leveraging Telegram's extensive platform to foster widespread adoption and fun interactions with blockchain technology. Stay tuned for more updates as DOGS prepares to make its mark on the crypto landscape!

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