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$BTC Market Research Report on August 23 - Ideas for the Pregnant Line


Yesterday's view was to intervene in the long and short positions in the pregnant line range, and the small-level channel support was at 5.95. These two ideas were used to intervene in the long and short positions.

Today's view:

Weekly pregnant line plus cross line change position (weekly line is accumulating energy, the larger the cycle, the higher the volatility of change)

Whether it is continuation or reversal, just follow the pregnant line trading skills

1. Intervene in the pregnant line mother line interval, break through and step back to enter the market for the second time

2. Break through and follow the momentum to go with the trend


Short-term view:

1. The view of 6.2 has been there for a long time. Basically, I say it every day. I have been backing up to make callbacks, and it has taken effect many times. I have sorted out the ends, made more profits and moved more. I have the idea of ​​short-term licking and direction addition. Don't open an order and break through the pattern. Stop loss or break through and step back to leave the market

2.5.46 will not break below, and the rebound will not end. Emphasize the view of half a month

3. The wedge structure with 5.66 as the bottom support of the interval has two positions expected at 6.62 and 6.95 [rebound long orders here, reduce positions and move the stop loss to 5.72]

4. Daily MA120 The short-term position of weekly MA20 is 6.35, which is the near turning point