Several rules for newcomers to the cryptocurrency circle

1. Rapid rise and slow fall means accumulating chips

Rapid rise but slow fall means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise.

2. Rapid fall and slow rise means selling

Rapid fall but slow rise means that the dealer is gradually selling and the market is about to enter a falling cycle.

3. Don’t sell at the top if there is a large volume, and run away if there is no volume at the top

The top transaction volume is large, and it may continue to rise; but if the top transaction volume shrinks, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient, and you can leave the market as soon as possible.

4. Don’t buy at the bottom if there is a large volume, but you can buy if there is a continuous large volume

The bottom volume may be a relay of decline, which needs to be observed; continuous large volume means that funds are constantly entering, and you can consider buying.

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5. Speculating on cryptocurrencies is about emotions, and consensus is about trading volume

Market sentiment determines the fluctuation of coin prices, and trading volume reflects market consensus and investor behavior.

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