When will the contract lose money:

1. Full position: Believe me, if you bet all your opportunities at once, you will lose all your opportunities.

2. High leverage (10x or more): The higher the leverage, the easier it is to lose control of your mentality; if your mentality loses control, you will not be able to make a profit.

3. Frequent trading: The more times you trade, the more mistakes you make, and you will lose a lot of time for calm thinking and analysis. "The more you talk, the more mistakes you make", the same principle still applies to trading.

4. Anxious to make a profit or get back the money: No impatient trader can make a profit or get back the money. The road of impatience becomes narrower and narrower, and the more difficult it is.

Note that the situation I am talking about here is: you will definitely lose

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