The Jackson Hole Annual Meeting is simply the "annual brain party" for central bank governors around the world. In this small town located in the beautiful mountains of Wyoming, USA, top financial giants gather together to talk about the most important things in your and my life - money and economy.

Every August, the Jackson Hole Annual Meeting is like the "Oscars" of the financial world, except that there are no red carpets but more economic charts and policy discussions. Central bank governors, economists, and scholars from various countries come in droves, wearing neat suits and carrying thick speech manuscripts, preparing for one "brainstorming" after another.

Here, you can hear in-depth discussions about inflation, interest rates, and monetary policy. Although these topics sound like "financial mantras," they determine the direction of the global economy in the coming year. Simply put, a few words from these bigwigs here may make the global market "jubilant" or "trembling."

For ordinary people, the Jackson Hole Annual Meeting is a bit like a "policy circus." You may not understand every detail of them, but you know the effect of this show: after the meeting, the market may begin to fluctuate violently, the stock market may rise and fall sharply, and the news media will report that "a certain president's words triggered a global market earthquake."

In short, the Jackson Hole Annual Meeting is a weathervane of global economic policies and a tense moment in the financial market. Although it seems like an unfathomable "financial drama" to most people, the discussions and decisions behind it actually affect every corner of your life. #美国7月PPI低于预期 #杰克逊霍尔年会