Alt (ALT) is one of the digital currencies that may fall under the category of alternative cryptocurrencies (Altcoins). ALT coin analysis includes several main aspects: Market Capitalization: Market capitalization is an important measure of the size of the currency in the market. The higher the market capitalization, the more it indicates the confidence and strength of the currency in the market. Trading Volume: Trading volume refers to the number of currencies that have been traded during a certain period of time. High trading volume may indicate greater interest from investors or it may be due to high volatility in the market. Fundamental Technology: Currency analysis also depends on the underlying technologies on which the currency is based. Is it based on blockchain technology? Does it have certain technical features that make it stand out from other cryptocurrencies? Technical Analysis: Investors use charts and technical indicators such as moving averages, the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and others to predict future price movements of the currency. News & Updates: Positive or negative news about the currency can greatly affect its market value. Therefore, it is important to follow the latest news and updates related to the currency project. Future expectations: Future expectations are based on the analysis of the previous factors combined.The currency may rise.