Come on, come on, brothers

Let me tell you about this coin supported by Binance

It will erupt sooner or later

The copycats are starting to take action

Did you buy low when the market fell?

Buying in batches is the safest option

You can still buy it now, but it hasn’t exploded yet.

Just the beginning

Go ahead

Operating mechanism

1. Over-collateralization model

Lista DAO uses an over-collateralization model to ensure the stability and security of the system. Users can mortgage crypto assets such as ETH, BNB, sLISBNB, etc. to borrow the decentralized stable currency LISUSD. The value of the collateral must be higher than the value of the borrowed stablecoin. This mechanism can effectively reduce the risk of borrowing default.

For example, a user who mortgages $100 worth of BNB may only be able to borrow $70 worth of LISUSD to ensure that the system has enough buffer to cope with market fluctuations.

2. Decentralized stable currency LISUSD

LISUSD is Lista DAO's decentralized stablecoin, using decentralized liquid pledged crypto assets as collateral. Unlike traditional stablecoins, LISUSD does not rely entirely on absolute price pegs to fiat currencies, but allows for certain price fluctuations to better reflect the actual situation of the market.

LISUSD is designed to provide a relatively stable value store and transaction medium while maintaining decentralization.