#RARE Shorters are now facing two major losses: 1. They have to bear the short-selling loss when the price rises after opening a short position. 2. Because the current funding rate of the contract is negative -2, it is very exaggerated to pay the long-selling U price every 4 hours.

Analysis: In theory, when the funding rate is negative, the price should fall, and falling short-selling is profitable, so short-selling pays the long funding rate; but now the funding rate is negative, short positions lose money and have to pay the long funding rate for double losses.

Conclusion: The funding rate is negative -2, and there are too many short-selling people now. If the price falls, the market makers and institutions will lose a lot because too many people are short-selling. Therefore, directly pulling the market and adding the negative funding rate will accelerate the eating of short-selling people. If short-selling eats up most of them, the price will fall, and the market makers and institutions will continue to eat up the long-selling people by short-selling and chip smashing the market.