The most difficult part of trading in the cryptocurrency circle is not choosing coins or buying and selling, but waiting.

Trading is actually very simple, just see the direction clearly and wait patiently for the trend. Only by catching the trend can you make big money.

That is to say, seeing the direction clearly in the cryptocurrency circle, and then waiting for the opportunity to build a position or holding on to the position after having it is the most important thing for every trader to do.

Also, the most important thing to avoid in the cryptocurrency circle is frequent buying and selling, chasing ups and downs.

Among those who invest in the cryptocurrency circle, there is often such a joke, "You are manipulating the market, it falls as soon as you kill in, and it rises as soon as you run out."

In fact, these people also feel angry, as if the market is eyeing his little money. Such people often make predictions about the market, predicting how it will go tomorrow, predicting how it will go next month, and then want to earn every fluctuation, and the actions they take are frequent buying and selling, chasing ups and downs, but the final result is physical and mental exhaustion, and the results are still very poor.

But the fact is that short-term market fluctuations are unpredictable, and only gods can predict them.

In the short term, the factors that cause market price fluctuations are very complex and difficult to grasp, including policy changes, industry development, capital layout, market sentiment, etc.; in the long term, the price of the target returns to the value of the target.

Instead of wasting time and effort on these unpredictable fluctuations, it is better to do more research on the target and upgrade your understanding of the investment market.

Another major disadvantage of frequent transactions is the handling fee. Each time you are only charged 1/1000 of the handling fee, after 10 times, your money is 1% less. Why the platform currency has risen more in recent months is closely related to the considerable handling fees in the currency circle, and these handling fees are all for investors in the currency circle.

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