A company with 15.1 billion assets is facing a 480 million yuan default crisis and is at risk of delisting? Insider information revealed!

Recently, a financial incident has attracted widespread attention.

Lingnan Ecological Culture and Tourism Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lingnan Shares") has attracted much attention for failing to repay 489 million yuan of convertible bonds (referred to as "Lingnan convertible bonds") on time.

This incident is not only because of the debt default itself, but also because it broke the market's inherent perception of "zero default" for state-owned listed companies.

## 1. Deep-seated issues behind debt defaults

The problems of Lingnan Shares did not arise overnight.

According to public information, the company's new orders in recent years have fallen short of expectations due to industry cyclical fluctuations, changes in market supply and demand, and reduced government investment.

At the same time, the lengthening of the settlement cycle for engineering business and the delay in the collection of accounts receivable have put the company in the dilemma of a tight capital chain.

From 2022 to the first quarter of 2024, the company's cumulative losses reached 2.695 billion yuan, and its stock price continued to be sluggish, once falling below 1 yuan, facing the risk of delisting.

## 2. Challenges and opportunities of investor protection mechanism

This default incident also raised concerns about investor protection mechanisms.

It is worth noting that the new Securities Law has increased the protection of investors' rights and interests.

For example, investor protection agencies can file lawsuits and provide legal aid to investors for losses caused by illegal acts of issuers, securities companies, etc.

However, in actual operations, how to provide relief to damaged investors quickly and effectively remains a challenge.

## 3. Market reaction and investor education

The default of Lingnan convertible bonds caused a certain amount of panic in the financial market.

But from another perspective, this is also an indispensable part of the process of improving the market mechanism.

Through such events, investors can have a deeper understanding of investment risks, prompting them to make more cautious investment decisions.

In addition, this also reminds investors that they must strengthen their financial knowledge learning and improve their risk identification capabilities.

## 4. Impact on other listed companies

The case of Lingnan Shares also sounded a wake-up call to other listed companies.

In the context of a complex and changing economic environment, corporate governance, financial transparency and risk management are particularly important.

In addition, although the state-owned capital background provides a certain credit endorsement, it is not foolproof.

Listed companies and their controlling shareholders should pay more attention to maintaining their own reputation and avoid similar incidents.

## V. Conclusion and Outlook

The Lingnan convertible bond default incident is a warning worthy of attention.

It not only reveals many problems in the operation of listed companies, but also reflects the imperfections of the investor protection mechanism in the current financial market.

With the continuous improvement of relevant laws and regulations and the enhancement of risk awareness among market participants, I believe that China's financial market will become more mature and standardized in the future.

For investors, it is particularly important to enhance their risk awareness and investment judgment.