8.15 Ethereum Market Summary

At about 8 pm yesterday, Brother Ming specifically sent out the lifeline positions of Bitcoin and ETH, and the positions were accurate to the single digit. Bitcoin was stronger yesterday and did not drop directly from this lifeline position. The position of Ethereum was completely grasped. ETH rebounded to resistance 2678 and reached a high of 2674 yesterday, with an error of four points. My dear friends, with such an accurate position, Brother Ming, should he blur it in the future? Otherwise, you will all rush to buy it and I will not be able to place an order.

Many people only know to ask Brother Ming if they can buy more or sell less. Even if they tell you the direction, what is the use without a good entry point? The biggest difficulty of the contract is to find the right entry point. Taste it carefully by yourself. If you are not sure about the position, you can find Brother Ming alone! #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥