I ask you to contemplate the following picture, but do not take it for granted. It worked all the time before - it might work this time too.

There’s just such a trick/regularity. We just know about it)

A perfectly accurately superimposed cue ball graph on top of the link graph. Firstly, you can see confirmation of my words, how bad it was for the market - the link was just as unshakable. Well, okay, not about that, I hope you take my word for it.

The main feature that I would like to note is the magic Link zone “Sledgehammer to the head of the market.” It is not difficult to notice in the marked places how clearly the price enters the red zone. Moreover, in extreme cases the market was simply sideways, and the link, touching the upper border, bounced off, and then, a week later, the market turned around.

There is just one interesting moment now: the market seems to be able to fly to the floor and from the current ones, but the link is not in the target zone for this, but it is clearly heading there.

Or the cue ball still gives hope to longists, showing them the area of ​​28k - which in general will be ideal for LINK at $8 and from there, as I said, we fly down.

everything was indicated)

I always publish this and tell you about the features of the market - practice and everything will work out!