🚀 At the Blockchain Futurist 2024 Conference in Toronto, leaders from World3, Helika, and Anomaly Games shared their thoughts on the future of Web 3 gaming.

🎮 Long Do, CEO of Anomaly Games, emphasized the need to simplify blockchain so that users don't need to know they're using the technology.

💰 He also compared the profitability of traditional game developers to Web 3, arguing that Web 3 brings in higher revenue.

🌐 Michael Grills from World3 talked about the potential to create a strong player economy through in-game asset trading.

🚀 Anton Umnov, CEO of Helika, said that onchain gaming is a "gateway" to attract users to the crypto ecosystem, with 50% of transactions on some blockchain networks coming from games.

📱 Telegram is also in the game with casual games on the TON platform, helping to attract users to the Web 3 space.

💸 Helika and Notcoin have announced a $50 million accelerator program to develop games on Telegram. Former TON leaders also launched a $40 million fund to develop mini-apps in this ecosystem.

👉 What do you think about the future of Web 3 games? Comment below!