Is there going to be another big fluctuation tonight?

20:30 News: The much-anticipated July CPI is coming soon!

Data-wise, the old friends finally caught another piece of data and started to speculate wildly before the data landed!

Currently, the previous value of the July seasonally adjusted CPI annual rate is 3.0%, expected to be 3.0%, to be announced

The previous value of the July seasonally adjusted monthly rate is -0.1%, expected to be 0.2%, to be announced

The core CPI annual rate is expected to drop slightly, and the monthly rate is slightly up. According to the expected value, the expected value of CPI tonight is consistent with the previous value. The surface CPI data is stable, which can be regarded as a supportive indicator for interest rate cuts, at least there is no rebound; the monthly rate rebounds slightly, and there is demand in the peak consumption season in summer!

In short, the announced value is less than the expected value, indicating that inflation continues to be controlled, and the Fed will be more confident in cutting interest rates! Good news!

If the announced value is greater than the previous value or greater than the expected value, inflation rebounds, which is bad news!

The last sentence: If the data is expected to be good, find opportunities to step on more in about three hours before the announcement; if the expected value is bad, find opportunities to go high and short!

Only do the game before the data is released. When the profit margin comes out before and after the data is released, you need to stop profit at 80% of the position. The remaining positions are set to break even and no stop profit game is set!
