In the coming days, you will see the BTC price at 64-65K. It will happen all of a sudden, it will be given the impression that everything is fine and the rise has started, but don't be fooled. At most, the price will rise from 65K to 58 thousand levels again and then to 50-55K levels. Such things are the fate of this market, how unfortunate. I am chasing eth. Wherever you see the price of eth between 2800 and 2850$ in 1-2 weeks, enter short immediately. Even if it goes to 2900, continue to enter short. The price will never exceed 2800-2900. In fact, it will not even reach 2900. Don't mind if you hear 70, 80, 100K profit for BTC. It will return from 65K at most. This system is a scam system. I have been seeing this for years, my friends.

Don't be fooled by the increases, otherwise your money will evaporate.

If you listen to me, start shorting ETH from 2800 and put a take profit and close at 2400$ . If you open diagonally, there will be no liq, you will earn less. Don't listen to everyone's words. Use your mind. No one has a reason to buy bitcoin. So what will the rise attract?