During any depression, ordinary people can only stay away from cities, have food and Bitcoin. Otherwise, they will die.

We can refer to the Russian economic depression in the 1990s, when the Soviet Union had just collapsed, and shock therapy caused the entire Russian economy to collapse completely. There were gangs and black societies everywhere, and these gangs were professional, doing both black and white. Some of them even came from the KGB, and they were professional at killing people and robbing goods. They were not only cruel but also professional. Ordinary people were not as good as these gangs in all aspects. The worst gangs were all from the Russian big hats. Their skills were also beyond ordinary people. Double-dealers were everywhere, and they were white on the surface, but actually colluded with the black, and there was no place to redress their grievances. In the face of the Great Depression, the real white could only turn a blind eye, after all, they still had to rely on these gangs to generate income.

Small hei gangs collect protection fees, and are basically formed by Russian big hats. Medium hei gangs engage in illegal production. Large hei gangs are the oligarchs who monopolize resources and obtain excessive profits.

The Russian capped men are half-bandits. If an ordinary person wants to seek redress, it is not certain whether they can do so. They will definitely give you a slap in the face and take away the money from the ordinary person's family. You have to take whatever the ordinary person has. If you don't take anything, it is definitely not acceptable.

Ordinary people say that saving money, saving food, and practicing Kung Fu are useless. The skills of ordinary people are far behind those of professionals. Ordinary people also dream of buying stocks at the bottom during the Great Depression. Isn't that nonsense? Ordinary people don't even have jobs, but they still want to buy stocks and real estate.

Many people say, "It's much better now than in the 1990s. At most, I can deliver food or drive an online car-hailing service to keep my family going." But you have to know that the current economic downturn has only just begun to show signs. Forgive me for being blunt, but if the Great Depression is really coming, ordinary people will not be able to afford it. The lower class is used as a cushion. First of all, individuals must understand that ordinary people are the class that bears the consequences. After thinking about it, the only way is to stay away from the city before the Great Depression comes, and ordinary people have only one way to have food and Bitcoin.

The Great Depression also came in different levels.

At the first level, the unemployment rate continues to rise and the economic recession is severe.

The second level is that the economy continues to slump and everyone's confidence has fallen to the bottom. Usually there will be some good news at this time, but most people have no surplus food, and the few who still have surplus food will take risks to buy at the bottom. At this stage, there are no good opportunities, and the only thing left is to compete with who has the most savings and who is healthier and less sick.

The third level is that the continued economic downturn has triggered financial systemic risks. At this stage, the use of money is hard to say, and even if you have deposits, you may not be able to withdraw them. The risk of a systemic bank run is extremely scary. When ordinary people first get the news, they go to withdraw money immediately, but they can't withdraw it. At this time, it is best to have a piece of land or some hard assets, such as lighters, matches, liquor, sugar, rice, noodles, oil and other hard currencies.

The fourth level is chaotic public security. Generally speaking, public security will definitely deteriorate when the economy goes down. If you want to make a living, you can only live in uninhabited places and have a certain source of food.

The fifth level is when supplies run out. Under normal circumstances, unless there is a nuclear war, the current manufacturing level cannot reach this level. At this level, the middle class is also wiped out, and people in the city will starve. During this period, it is best to be in the countryside, and it is also best to have many relatives and strong fighting power.

The sixth level, I won’t go into detail about this level, although I know everyone wants to hear it, but I’m not writing about the end of the world. I know that many people hate rural relatives, but I think ordinary people should plan ahead and find time to bring some gifts to see, maybe they will be useful in the future.

An economic depression that ordinary people can afford is not a real economic depression.

The first thing is to flee from big, medium and small cities. If you stay in the city, you will only become cannon fodder. Cities are places where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimps. You can only go far away to some remote places to survive.

The second thing is to store food, such as rice, noodles, and oil, which are hard currencies during the Great Depression. You also need to learn life skills, such as growing vegetables, planting techniques, breeding techniques, and survival in the wild. And so on.

The second thing is to save spare money in case of emergency. Paper money is out of the question. When the Great Depression comes, there will be exaggerated inflation, and paper money will depreciate to the point where it is not as good as toilet paper. You can save some gold. Gold has disadvantages. On the one hand, it is too heavy and not suitable for carrying in large quantities. Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false and cannot be divided. It is better to save Bitcoin. Bitcoin is decentralized, there is no centralized server, and it will never disappear. During the Great Depression, more and more people will use it to store value, and the price will rise instead. It is easy to carry. No matter how much assets you have, you only need to back up a few more mnemonics. For ordinary people, exchanging Bitcoin for legal currency on centralized exchanges, using Bitcoin to transfer money in wallets, using Bitcoin to shop, and paying have become essential survival skills for ordinary people during the Great Depression.

Due to the progress of modern productivity, the basic material system of the entire society can generally be fully supplied. Residents of modern countries basically do not have a crisis in terms of survival. For ordinary people, as long as they are not frozen to death or starved to death, they can have a place to live, and physiological survival is not a problem.

The most common and painful death is social death; if a person faces unemployment, mortgage, car loan, a lot of debt, rigid family payments, and the burden of living for children and parents, then it is basically complete social death.

The most important thing for ordinary people to do when facing the Great Depression is to maintain resilience. In the face of the Great Depression, they can choose to escape, such as going to the countryside or going overseas. They should stay away from the environment that makes ordinary people bear huge debts, give up too many burdens, throw away their self-esteem, and face the cruelest situation.