📣 What to expect from the Elon Musk-Donald Trump interview tomorrow

We’re about to witness a clash of egos as Elon Musk, the billionaire who owns X (formerly known as Twitter), sits down with Donald Trump, the Republican ex-president who refuses to fade into political obscurity.

Trump spilled the beans about this on his own echo chamber, Truth Social, announcing that he’ll be chatting with Elon about everything under the sun tomorrow night.

Whether it’s his never-ending 2024 presidential campaign, how he and Elon get along, or their mutual disdain for mainstream media and of course the “Radical Left,” you can bet they’ll cover it.

They’re both kings of their own little worlds—Trump in his MAGA universe and Elon in his nerdy utopia—so don’t expect any punches to be pulled.

🔸 The timing: Expect chaos?

For all the hype, we don’t actually know when this circus is going to kick off. Trump says it’s happening Monday night, but as usual, details are scarce. Is it live? Pre-recorded? Will it drop at midnight like an album?

Elon isn’t saying much, which means we’re left hanging, wondering if we’ll be refreshing X all night like we’re waiting for a flash sale.

Now, if you’re expecting a polished, sit-down conversation, you might want to adjust your expectations. Trump’s no stranger to saying whatever pops into his head, and Elon isn’t exactly the model of restraint either.

This interview could go in any direction, and that’s probably the only guarantee we have.

🔸 What they’re likely to cover: Everything and nothing

Let’s talk topics. Trump’s running for president again, because of course he is, and he’ll be hammering on his 2024 campaign.

He’s got a lot to say about how the country’s being run, and you can bet he’ll use this platform to throw shade at everyone from Joe Biden to his Republican rivals.

Trump loves to play the victim and the hero at the same time, so expect more of the same “Only I can fix it” rhetoric.