PaxGold for the future, Tron TRX for transactions, Mantra that will revolutionize, and Toncoin that is bringing crypto to everyday life, to games and to payments via Telegram. Bitcoin is a great store of value, but it is like the Atari; it paved the way for other latest generation and more modern consoles with greater utilities. Remember the price of an Atari when it was launched? If you want scarcity, my friend, go for PaxGold. Each Pax gives you a gold bar. Bitcoin is speculation. Whoever pays the most will pay until when and why. Why will someone pay you more than you paid for your bitcoin? And it will be like this until its usefulness becomes outdated and expensive compared to the usefulness of other currencies in everyday life for purchases, etc. I do not take away the merit of bitcoin because it paved the way and for a long time there will be those who pay the most. The last one to pay the electricity will leave someone in the dark. Crypto will be like stocks, and a useful store of value will be the tokenization of what is real or stablecoin... this is the only way to have regularization and enter people's daily lives safely, ending volatility and insecurity.
My tip if anyone believes; Tron, Mantra, Toncoin, Paxgold. At any time sooner or later and with coins that have utility or are tokens of something of value 1x1. Here's a tip: this is not how you will recover the losses you had, imagine profiting from those who come to buy your BTC in the future, people will be getting smarter, or haven't you realized that the decentralized narrative has already succumbed, look; even the American elections are waiting lol. It's up to the project. Guys, this is my topic, if anyone wants to support me in developing a channel and delivering the details that course sellers don't deliver, give us a hand, we won't be long now; johnblackblack66@gmail.com /pix Usdt / tronc20 ; TGfQWxmMWvvWigJs1BoFa7ixMriq69wLdp 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿