Ha gpafik bitkoina cfopmipovalcya ogpomnyy bull hammer.

Matthew Xailand noticed a bullish hammer, cfopmipovavshiycya on gpafik changes in the price of bitcoin.

A weekly chart of changes in the price of bitcoin is observed by a giant green light with a wick. It arose after the assets accumulated to $49,000, which was paid for by the issuance of the ETF, — said Xailand.

Matthew reads that the appearance of the bull's hammer means that the bitcoin market will update the bottom, reached on August 5 at the mark of $49,570 bitcoin. After this bump, the price of BTC has already increased by almost 27% and reached $62 in 7Z0. Many investors in digital assets believe that investors who minted coins during the downturn have lured them into a green bear trap. Cushchectvovanie kapkana obyacnyayut chpezmepno byctpoy and powerful koppekciey pocle kpaxa kupca coins. Therefore, the majority of students of bitcoin investments predict the support of an increasing trend. This is evidenced by the fact that the share of long positions is 52.48% open to future contracts for the purchase of BTC. Investors believe that the price of the coin should rise to $68,908.

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