GameFi refers to the emerging trend of combining gaming elements with financial elements in the blockchain field. Players can earn tokens or other rewards by playing games, which is the Play-to-Earn game model that has been common in recent years. The ideal GameFi ecosystem allows players to earn real returns while democratizing game finance by combining the composability of blockchain.

Although the concept of earning money while playing is ideal, GameFi games in recent years have often come to an end, causing more and more people to lose confidence in P2E games. Game systems are often accompanied by certain inherent problems, such as excessive speculation, security issues, sustainability of the in-game economy, etc., while dual-currency systems may have problems with imbalances between tokens and value liquidity.

Space Alpaca is a brand new strategic Play-to-Earn card GameFi, combining agricultural and gold gameplay, divided into two parts: farm management and battle. The gameplay includes farm management, player battles and dungeon challenges. Players can formulate and update game strategies, research the best team strategy and management methods, and multiple gameplays help you earn the most profit!

Space Alpaca conducted an in-depth analysis of the past GameFi project and proposed a new dual-token economic model to solve the common drawbacks of the previous dual-token model of blockchain games. The following will explain to readers the value of the dual-token economic model, as well as the entire new ecosystem and its future vision, using Space Alpaca as a starting point.

The lifespan of games is limited. The drawbacks of the traditional dual-currency model: How StepN and Axie Infinity are going downhill

The dual-token economic model is a common model in blockchain games in recent years. The dual-token model, as the name suggests, is a system of two tokens, usually one main token is used for governance and security, and the other is a stable token for transactions and value storage. The dual-token structure provides customers with speculative nature, while using stablecoins to provide value stability. The cooperation between the two seems impeccable, but there are often drawbacks.

Popular blockchain games in the past, such as StepN and Axie Infinity, have encountered many challenges due to their adoption of dual-token economic models. In particular, the price of game tokens is often linked to the life cycle of the game. However, no matter how popular the game project is, Has a certain lifespan. Issues such as token value imbalance, insufficient value liquidity, and the sustainability of the in-game economy arise over time.

Take StepN as an example. Its economic model is highly dependent on the inflow of new funds to drive it forward, but games often have a limited lifespan, and no game can last forever. When the game is popular, the price of the game token rises steadily, while the governance token remains stable, and the game's dual-token mechanism works perfectly. But after the craze, because the application value of the game token is single, the token price begins to stabilize, and the fixed supply of governance tokens loses its meaning and becomes a worthless token. The once popular Axie Infinity also uses a dual-token economy, which attracted the attention of many players in the early days of the game. Later, due to the influx of a large number of players, the in-game token SLP depreciated. When the price of SLP falls, Axie pets also become worthless, and the players' efforts are wasted.

New dual-token economic model What are SPAL and Space Shard tokens?

The Space Alpaca game uses two tokens: SPAL and Space Shard (SS).

SPAL is the governance token on Space Alpaca. Users can obtain it from early pre-sales and airdrops, purchase it from centralized exchanges, and it is also a reward share for staking guilds and guild competition rewards. SPAL can be used to draw NFT blind boxes, purchase NFTs from the second-hand market, join guilds, pledge guilds, and exchange Space Shards from Space Wallet.

Space Shard is a game token that can be used to expand land, upgrade weapons and armor through NFT computing power rebates, exchange SPAL from Space Wallet, and exchange USDT from Pancake Swap.

The project has a burning mechanism to ensure stability and token circulation. For example, every time a player draws a blind box with SPAL, 80% of the value will be transferred to Space Shard's LP pool to increase liquidity. A good burning mechanism can keep the game tokens in a deflationary state, ensure that the price fluctuations are not too large, and guarantee the benefits of users.

Add unlimited circulation value to the game with limited lifespan and focus on the future development of the project

Space Alpaca understands the limited lifespan of games and the importance of liquidity in games, and has proposed a new game design concept based on this. The difference from previous projects is that the use of the revenue token Space Shard is not limited to the Space Alpaca game, but can be used in all future games of the project party and even other projects in the ecosystem. Create a game system with liquidity as the core and community as the driving force.

Space Alpaca will release a large number of blockchain games in the next quarter, and develop an ecosystem to support them, including wallets, public chains, NFT markets, etc., and all systems use Space Shard as a token. With Space Shard as its main currency, players can transfer assets from one game or community to another, realizing asset interoperability between games.

The Space Shard system adds unlimited circulation value to games with limited lifespans. Even if a game craze is over, there will still be more ecosystems emerging to ensure long-term development and player participation. At the same time, the value of Space Shard will not decline as a result.

Space Alpaca Vision

Past GameFi projects such as Axie Infinity and StepN mentioned in the article were once very popular. The explosive growth of the GameFi project after its launch seems to be foreseeable, but what is more important is how to create a sustainable system.

As a brand new GameFi game, Space Alpaca has corrected past problems and fundamentally redesigned the game economy. Its core strategy focuses not only on short-term game economic balance, but also on long-term economic sustainability and player value. It is not only about improving the game economic model, but also about its vision and direction for the entire GameFi field. By reshaping the concept of GameFi, Space Alpaca provides players with a more unique GameFi gaming experience.

Participate in SPAL pre-sale Galxe Be the first to join before it goes live

Space Alpaca is expected to be officially launched in December. The official announcement was earlier that it has passed the Certik audit and scored 91.5 points in the contract code security index column. Space Alpaca is currently undergoing audits by more industry security code consulting companies to ensure the security of the project's smart contract code.

Although the game has not been officially launched, the official has launched a publicity campaign to generate hype. Users can now subscribe to SPAL tokens or participate in Galxe activities to get airdrop opportunities.

Galxe Activities:

Galxe activity tutorial:

Subscribe to SPAL:

SPAL subscription tutorial: