Web3 Binance : A new experience to explore more

Yes, binance has provide us opportunity to explore more deeply on crypto currencies world. Based on Biannce Web3, we can monitor every coins in crypto currencies. As we know that outside Web3, we can't find other coins that will give us high opportunity to gain more profits.

In ordinary / spot market (not a Web3), we can take profits just a little. Besides that, the price is too high so we must have enough money to buy those coins. Even we already buy coins, if we buy only on a small amount of coins, our profit also small. If we want to have huge profit, we should buy coins in a significant amount.

In Web3, we could find many cheap coins but their movements are so significant. In that case, we take huge profits. Imagine that we buy a lot of coins just in 0,000009 USDT per coins, if they are on bullish phase, how many profit that we can take....

One of my favorite coins on BSC Chain is #PEIPEI , their price so low but their movement are so undoubtable. A few weeks ago before the crypto currencies on bearish phase, i spent $10 USDT on #PEIPEI and only 9 days after bought it, i got 100% profits or i got $20 USDT.

Now after most of coins price are decresed, it's a good way for us to invest Peipei and we will have a huge profits in the future.

Choice is yours, i just share my own experience. Do your own research before make a decision.

Good luck and happy trading and invest a lot during this phase, because we will move to Bullish Phase in or before the end of this year.

