When buying at the bottom during a big drop, many people want to know which currencies to choose. Pay attention to market conditions, sometimes subtle details can provide clues.

First, it is not recommended to choose old currencies or currencies that have been falling before, as they will be weaker when they rebound. You can first choose some strong currencies, and then partially withdraw them after they rise, and use them to layout weak currencies in order to obtain greater returns.

Secondly, for investors with small funds, it is not recommended to choose currencies with too high market value, because they are not cost-effective, such as currencies other than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The characteristic of this round of bull market is "the strong will always be strong". The strongest sectors are not artificial intelligence, decentralized finance, or Bitcoin, but MEME and SOL sectors.

When buying at the bottom, you can seize the opportunities in these sectors. Pay close attention to market trends and adjust your investment strategy in time.