Odaily Planet Daily News pump.fun official published on the X platform that it will make 2 major changes to the platform mechanism (beta): 1) Free creation of tokens; 2) When the token completes its Bonding curve release, the token creator will receive an incentive of 0.5 SOL (about $80). The specific workflow is: 1) Token creators no longer need to pay a cost of about $2 to create tokens, but are paid by the first buyer of the token. (Note: This unlocks the use case where someone creates a token but does not buy any tokens) 2) If the token completes its Bonding curve process, they will receive 0.5 SOL (80 US dollars). This fee is paid from the pump.fun migration fee (now only 1.5 SOL); it will be paid to the token developer regardless of whether the token developer has ever held the token or still holds the token; the reward also encourages all developers to increase their token distribution share to 100%. Final note: When a token is created, it will not be put on the chain until someone buys it. That's why sometimes the time it starts on the pump fun interface may differ from the time it starts on mainnet (e.g. what users see on solscan).