Bitcoin violently breaks through the key pressure level of 60,400, a bullish signal⁉️

120,000 short positions were liquidated, do retail investors still have a chance to get on board⁉️

During the transaction, I have always advised everyone not to be bullish and short. Doing so is actually a psychological problem. You originally expected a big rise, but the point you set may be too low, causing you to fail to catch it, and then the market soared, and you began to regret not getting on board, so you would wonder if you could make up for it🥲

So you began to want to short at a high position to make up for it, and then you had an operation of being bullish but shorting yourself, and then you were stopped out, or you imagined that the market would plummet and you would become rich, and finally you were liquidated in a wave of surges😂These are actually problems that everyone will have in the novice trading stage. In fact, it is really not difficult to understand the market. The difficult thing is to integrate knowledge and action, and insist on executing your own judgment and your own transactions👌
