Daily market analysis -#BTC2024.8.9

Figure 1: Daily chart

(1) The daily trend is still fluctuating downward. The positive data last night and Putin's signing of the legalization of the hollowing out pushed the price up to 6w2, which is the eq 0.5 position, and also ate up the liquidity gap of the daily fvg. In the short term, the daily line is in place.

(2) The spot price fell back to 578. There is a liquidity gap here. Pay attention to the opportunity to buy back and observe the purchase dynamically.

(3) The current market is very evil, and the liquidity is still relatively insufficient. The impact of news is relatively large. There are many straight ups and downs. Novice contracts must be cautious. It is recommended to buy spot on dips.

Figure 2: H1 chart

(1) Upward trend, here we first pay attention to the h1 bullish ob, that is, range-H. You can buy here to absorb funds and continue to look up.

92) If it falls below, you need to pay attention to the liquidity acquisition near 57. I can't give a clear position here. Pay attention to the accumulation of funds to buy. I can only say that the stop loss falls below 545.

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