When facing the problem of having a complete trading system but having difficulty in executing it, you should first deeply analyze your psychological barriers, whether it is fear of failure or too high expectations of returns. You can write down the trading plan in detail, and clarify the goals and operation details at each step.

At the same time, start with small-scale transactions and gradually cultivate the habit and confidence of execution. Set up a phased reward mechanism to motivate yourself to strictly follow the system.

Don't be discouraged, this is just a small challenge on the road to success. Every time you overcome difficulties, you grow up, and every firm execution of the trading system is a step towards success. Believe in your own abilities and maintain a positive attitude. You will definitely be able to overcome the troubles in front of you and reap your own success and glory! Come on, you are the best! #TON #PlusToken相关钱包转移ETH $BTC