
POLYGON1993 takes us into a glitch world that represents his everyday life: a distorted world where reality and imagination intertwine POLYGON1993 is a visual artist, film director and media set designer who has made a name for himself in the world of glitch art.

“The Dance Lesson” or its original French title “La Leçon De Danse” is an animation work created by POLYGON1993, “La Leçon De Danse” captures the subtle beauty of ballet dancers in an ever-changing moment.

Rendered in POLYGON1993’s distinctive fragmented line style, the dancer appears as if trapped in a timeless arabesque, her figure simultaneously appearing and dissolving within a matrix of intersecting vectors, digital glitches creating a sense of movement as if the dancer is constantly spinning within the confines of the screen.

Check out POLYGON1993’s Drop on OpenSea here:

  • opensea.io/collection/thedancelesson/overview

OpenSea: Can you tell us a little bit about your artistic style and the main themes you explore in your artwork?

POLYGON1993: Hi! My name is POLYGON1993, I'm a visual artist, film director and media set designer from Paris, France, I'm best known for my analog glitch art, I use 80s/90s CRT TVs and circuit bending video equipment to create my works and animations, I create alterations and glitches on any source material so I can remix videos and pictures at will.

The themes I revisit often are nostalgia, depression, loneliness, but also the beauty of collapse, by capturing visual errors on the screen, I try to manipulate alterations and flickers to capture the beauty of destruction, the kind of beauty you don’t want to see in the first place, I guess I’m chasing after residual images of myself as a child spending countless hours in front of a screen.

OpenSea: Can you walk us through your creative process when developing an NFT series or piece?

POLYGON1993: I usually start with one work as the leading direction for the whole series. I like to create a small series with diptychs or triptychs as part of a larger universe I am building. The first thing I think about is "what do I want to say" and these initial ideas will help me find the theme of the series.

Surprisingly, another big part is the music I listen to while creating these artworks, I am heavily influenced by the music I listen to and it drives my creations because the colors come directly from the music I listen to and I can easily tell you what I was listening to while creating many of the pieces.

"Dance Lesson" or "La Leçon De Danse"

OpenSea: Can you talk about any unique challenges or opportunities you encounter when creating art, especially in the digital realm of NFTs?

POLYGON1993: I think the biggest challenge I face today is working alone, I have been a freelance artist for ten years now and being able to exchange ideas with a team to progress and get better is crucial for me in the art world, especially in the very young NFT space.

I had the opportunity to co-found a collective called SOMA with French artists, which allowed me to overcome this problem by exchanging ideas with other artists, finding new sources of inspiration and discovering new creative horizons.

OpenSea: What inspired you to create on Base? How do you think Base’s features will benefit your artistic expression?

POLYGON1993: I have always wanted to make my digital works available in NFT format. Base has managed to unite a huge community in recent months, mainly due to free minting and almost non-existent gas fees. Being able to offer this new work and make it accessible to as many people as possible is the real motivation for me to create on Base.

OpenSea: How has blockchain technology influenced or changed the way you create art?

POLYGON1993: This question resonates with the creation and development of my NFT collection. I love gamifying art. I grew up collecting trading cards and playing video games and MMORPGs where you had to complete tasks to progress. When I had the opportunity to incorporate game mechanics into my Drop items (burning money to redeem, etc.), I was completely fascinated.

I feel like I can create derivatives of my work by adding a playful element, which was not possible before when I only posted my work on social media, and I think blockchain has awakened the collector side of many people who were not interested in art before.

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OpenSea: How do you plan to engage with your audience through NFTs on OpenSea? Are there interactive elements or community-driven aspects to your work?

POLYGON1993: My main communication channel for all things NFT related is my X account, over the years I have built a community that is partially from web3 and web2, I have been working to connect the two communities and bring them together, this launch on Base will help unify my audience.

I really like the idea of ​​accessibility in NFTs, which usually comes down to the price of a piece and the method of displaying it, and with OpenSea I now have the opportunity to highlight a piece that represents me and make it available to everyone through this Base release.

OpenSea: What future developments in the NFT space excite you most, and how do you plan to incorporate these developments into your future projects?

POLYGON1993: I'm always looking for innovation in digital art, and the rapid development of NFTs over the past four years has made me realize that we are indeed witnessing a paradigm shift. What attracts me most is the community that unites around an art project, which shows that a simple idea can sometimes bring together a large number of people.

Glitch is an important part of my work and I’m biding my time to fully integrate this initially aesthetic and destructive aspect into the message I’m conveying through NFTs.

Before Color

OpenSea: What advice would you give to artists who are new to the NFT space and are considering launching their first digital collectible?

POLYGON1993: I would give them the same advice as for any art project, digital or non-digital: to create, the best way to measure who we are, what we want to evoke, what we want to tell the world is to realize an idea by making a mark on paper, a layer in Photoshop, a line of code in the terminal.

Don’t worry about anything other than the story you want to tell, and do it with the means available to you. The NFT space may seem vast today because of the acceleration of everything, but I feel like with initiatives like Base, new artists can start with confidence without having to fully master the ecosystem like they did a few years ago.

OpenSea: Where do you think digital art and NFTs will head in the next five years? What contribution do you hope to make to this future?

POLYGON1993: I feel like digital art (and NFTs) will be increasingly integrated into traditional art galleries to create truly immersive experiences, and we’re already seeing the beginnings of this thanks to a number of NFT galleries and cultural venues featuring digital art.

We are at the intersection of two periods of art, we are entering the era of post-contemporary art, thanks in part to NFTs, which are an integral part of this new movement, and I believe this distinction will become more apparent in the coming years.

As for me, I will be doing what I do best: creating and continuing to push the boundaries of glitch art, introducing it to a wider audience.

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