Good morning, brothers, Thursday, August 8

1. Review of yesterday's market

Yesterday, Brother Yu clearly said in his blog that choosing high altitude is a good operating guide. The first half of yesterday's market was consistent with the above, with a rebound trend, and began to retrace at night, but it was not a second exploration.

​Yesterday, the big cake opened at 56022, the highest price was 57736, the lowest price was 54558, and the closing price was 55134, with an increase of -1.58% and an amplitude of 5.67%

Yesterday, the second cake opened at 2461, the highest price was 2551, the lowest price was 2309, and the closing price was 2342, with an increase of -4.82% and an amplitude of 9.84%

​The market is in a relatively wide range of fluctuations.

2. Analysis of today's market

The early opening showed a rebound trend. Brother Yu believes that it is just a fluctuation, and it will still come down. The pressure here is relatively large at 58000. I will analyze them one by one in the blog later.

Intraday pressure and support analysis

BTC pressure level 57800-585000-59200

Support level 57000-56200-55500

ETH pressure level 2500-2550-2650

Support level 2410-2350-2300

Today's view is still high.

3. Spot sector analysis and recommendation

​The spot BB recommended yesterday belongs to the mid-term currency that is built in batches. You can continue to hold it and don't worry.

Currently, the only strong currency in the sector is the sol ecological currency. Brother Yu basically talks about it every day, WIF JUP RAY JTO, etc.

However, in the current market, we mainly do the band without pattern. We choose to exit when we make a profit, and then take it back when we step back. Including yesterday afternoon, I also reminded in the community when it was pulled up. This is the case for contract spot.

Today's 499 Tiantuan code:
