According to Yahoo Japan, in 2023, a post office employee in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture was attacked and robbed of cash. The Chinese student involved, Chien Shiupin (28 years old), was charged with robbery and injury. On July 31, the Saitama District Court held a public trial, and the judge sentenced the defendant Chen to 8 years in prison (the prosecution requested a 10-year sentence).

The judge pointed out in the reasons for the verdict that the defendant’s actions left the victim with sequelae. The defendant concealed the loss of virtual currency trading from his family and eventually carried out the post office robbery. The judge emphasized, “There is no reason to forgive him for ignoring the suffering of others in order to solve his own problems.”

In the opening statement, the prosecutor pointed out that the defendant Chen lost all the 2 million yen he invested in Bitcoin trading, and in order to make up for the loss, he decided to rob the post office he was familiar with. The prosecutor emphasized the heinousness and planning of the case.

The defense said that the defendant suddenly had the idea of ​​robbery on the day of the incident because he had no one to turn to for help. He denied that it was highly planned and argued that he did not actively attack the employees, and that he had repented and was in a position to reform himself.

Robbery process: In February 2023, a robbery occurred at the Kawaguchi Namiki Post Office in Namiki 3-chome, Kawaguchi City, where two employees were stabbed and their cash was stolen. The police arrested the defendant on March 16, 2023, and he confessed to the crime. The police confirmed the defendant's connection with the robbery through surveillance video and other evidence.

Between 1:37 and 1:39 p.m. on February 16, the defendant broke into the Kawaguchi Namiki Post Office in Kawaguchi City, threatened the staff with a knife and shouted "money, money", then crossed the counter and attacked a male staff in his 40s and a female staff in their 30s, stealing 60,000 yen. The male staff was seriously injured in the head and right hand, and the female staff was slightly injured in the left wrist.

According to the Saitama Prefectural Police Investigation Division 1, on the same day, the defendant broke into the first floor of an apartment in the same area, broke the window glass, and stole a jacket, hat, and bag (about 7,000 yen). On February 26, the prefectural police arrested the defendant on suspicion of trespassing and theft. He confessed that he stole the clothes to change the blood-stained clothes and wore them home, indicating that he broke into the apartment and stole in order to disguise himself.

The investigation showed that the defendant disguised himself and walked to JR Nishi-Kawaguchi Station, then took the train back home. The police confirmed his whereabouts through the video footage of the anti-crime camera. In addition, the analysis of the items seized from the defendant's home and the surveillance video in and around the post office further confirmed his connection with the post office robbery. Although a knife box was found at the scene, the murder weapon was not found.

This case also triggered deep reflections on family education. The defendant chose to rob in order to conceal the losses from virtual currency transactions from his family. This behavior may be due to the lack of family communication and a crisis of trust. Family education plays a vital role in the growth of children. Parents should establish a good communication mechanism with their children, pay attention to their children's mental health and growth confusion, and guide them to correctly face the challenges and setbacks in life.

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