The situation in the Middle East suddenly became tense. According to AXIOS, US Secretary of State Blinken urgently convened a telephone conference of the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) on Sunday, warning that Iran and Hezbollah may launch retaliatory actions against Israel as early as Monday. Blinken strives to coordinate allies, exert diplomatic pressure on the two countries, and strive to curb the escalation of the conflict, emphasizing that the key to preventing a full-scale war is to limit the scope of the initial strike. Although the United States has increased its troops in the region, Blinken emphasized that the move is purely defensive in nature and revealed that the progress of ceasefire negotiations with Israel is frustrating.

Immediately afterwards, Hezbollah in Lebanon announced that it would launch a drone attack on the Israeli military headquarters in Ayelet Hashahar in Israel in the early morning of August 5 as a response to Israel's actions in southern Lebanon + Exchange Junyang: 954737157, further exacerbating regional tensions.

Many governments responded quickly, issued security warnings, and urged their citizens to stay away from Lebanon and Iran. France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and other countries have asked their citizens to evacuate Lebanon or avoid going to the region; Britain withdrew the families of its embassy in Lebanon and reiterated the evacuation proposal. This series of measures highlights the international community's high concern and precautions against the escalation of geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East.

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