Evolution of Digital Economies: From Web1 to Web3 (Part 1/2)

🌐 Web1: The Information Age

In the early days of the Web (Web1), access to information was the protagonist. Static sites dominated, offering one-way information consumption. The key transition was from simply absorbing information to actively seeking it out.

💡 Bitcoin and Decentralization: At the same time, the emergence of Bitcoin brought decentralization into a still centralized landscape.

🌐 Web2: The Age of Social Networks and Platforms

Web2 has seen the rise of social networks and collaborative platforms, transforming the way we interact online. Tech giants have become omnipresent, controlling access and exploiting data.

💡 Emergence of dApps: The first decentralized applications (dApps) paved the way towards a new vision of the Web, escaping centralized models.

🌐 Web3: The Era of Decentralization and Distributed Ownership

Today, Web3 is redefining our interactions by introducing decentralization and distributed ownership. Individuals are realizing the value of their data, seeking to regain control.

💡 Smart Contracts and NFTs: Smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are at the forefront, offering new business models.

👉 Continued in Part 2: Let's explore specific Web3 technologies and their impact on online creation, sharing and possession.

