On Monday, remember the 30w duo in the currency circle, and encourage each other! Please remember what I said, if you can survive this round, you will win!

In the past 24 hours, 23w people have been wet densely, and no matter how much leverage the contract sector has, 80% should be in this queue.

Panic is still spreading in the evening! There is no analysis to speak of. If it is rational and objective judgment, I will give two suggestions!

Short-term; avoid, wait and see!

Long-term: mainstream coins, big cake, ether, sol, you can refer to the long-term intervention and lie still.

The local tyrants with larger cabins, undoubtedly, buy as much as they fall. Because, at this stage, everything is unknown, but one thing is clear. Black swans have rebounded in history, and the market cannot and will not allow it to jump directly below 30,000! Those who understand will understand!

Ultraman, I have been watching all day today, and I have not laid out the stone plate. I have been avoiding it, but some friends still can't help but feel itchy. Some are very good, and some have been + Cang, which can be imagined.

At this stage, keep your own strength and don't think about gambling in the big market, because in this market, the winners are all the gods in the currency circle! And you are an ordinary person, you are not among the 30w people, you should feel lucky!

Later, I will continue to update my ideas, and there will be many big opportunities coming. I want to learn from the teacher's experience in the long-term and the band. I will personally guide you above 1wu! Finally, my fans, live well! $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场急跌 #JumpTrading转移资产 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息? #Babylon主网将上线