A quick overview of popular currency circles within 3 hours (from Gendan666.com):

[Currency price fluctuations]

1. [Contracts] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

ZEC +3.76% BADGER +3.74% LOOM +1.25% ;STMX -14.89% SKL -10.03% BNX -8.81%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#GFT +10.34% #zec +4.55% #badger +3.87% ;#STMX -14.86% ERN -14.43% CVP -11.15%

[Important information]

1. Aave founder: Aave Treasury received $6 million in revenue through liquidation last night

2. Japanese Finance Minister: Stock prices are determined by the market

3. South Korea will hold a meeting to discuss stock market sell-offs

4. Turkey's stock market triggered a market-wide circuit breaker after opening

5. Traders bet that the European Central Bank will follow the Fed in cutting interest rates by 50 basis points

6. Traders expect the Fed to cut interest rates by 25 basis points within a week with a 60% chance

7. Jump Crypto deposited 26 million USDT to Binance

8. Wintermute transferred 22,460 ETH to Binance hot wallet in the past 24 hours

9. Coinbase's shares listed in Frankfurt, Germany plummeted 20%

10. IG Markets analyst: Cryptocurrency is largely at the "cutting edge" of risky assets #内容挖矿 Follow me! Get more currency information!