Ok to all my followers you probably made so much it's unbelieveable, but then not really I have been calling out the bubble for nearly a month now.

$BTC dumped -11% today at bottom, it's still -9% after the quick rebound. Chart didn't even update the last hour because of the lag. Too much volume for the system.

In reality, 70k peak wasn't even supposed to be a thing, but Trump getting shot was a major holdback.

Within 30minutes of the news coming out BTC started pumping like crazy. But my trading tactic, which always priotizes minimal risk above all and absolutely no chance of liquidation, I have survived the black swan event and made the profit I deserved.

But now what? What do we do? Keep shorting? Obviously not that simple. I still didn't take profit from my $BTC short at $60500, at 5x. I opened the short since 57k, when Germany was selling. I kept adding until 65k, until I ran out of margin which averaged the entry price to around 60500.

My liquidation was 78k, and I was at nearly -50% unrealized loss when BTC peaked at 70k. But I waited, because that was the entire plan.

I stuck to the plan, gave enough breathing room to actually afford to wait. This is the most important part, having all the patience in the world doesn't mean anything if you are forced to get liquidated.

My profits are not ridiculously high, in terms of ROI even after a major dump. But this is how I survived every time despite the ever increasing volatility of the crypto market.

Think about it, which is better, "only" getting 20% profit when you could have gone even higher leverage to get idk, 300%, potentially, but stay safe, or risk a 100% loss to get that totally theoratical massive gain? Can't win if you lose first.

Conclusion: Stop gambling and start trading.
